Suffering From Neck Pain in Spokane Valley WA?

As a chiropractor in Spokane Valley WA, one of the most common conditions we help people with is neck pain. With the increased use of cell phones, computers, long commutes, and jobs that require a lot of sitting more and more people have been experiencing neck pain as a result. Women tend to be 1.5X more likely to experience neck pain than men and if the cause of the neck pain is not corrected 30% of these cases develop into chronic conditions, which is why it is important to address sooner than later. Neck pain can fall under two categories: acute or chronic. Acute neck pain typically is the result of some type of trauma like a car accident, sports injury, or a fall. If you were involved in an acute trauma it is important to be evaluated as soon as possible because after 3 months it can be considered chronic and may be much more difficult to treat and require more time. Chronic neck pain typically comes on gradually and slowly over time often due to posture, sleep position, device use, or driving.
At River City Chiropractic, our goal is to find and correct the cause of the neck pain, not just put a band-aid on the symptoms. In the neck there are several structures that can get injured or damaged causing neck pain such as the joints, ligaments, muscles, or discs. Each one can produce different types of pain in different areas of the neck, which is why it is best to see a health professional such as a chiropractor in Spokane Valley WA to have a comprehensive evaluation done to determine the source of the pain.
How We Treat Neck Pain In Spokane Valley WA
Comprehensive Consultation, Exam, and X-Rays
Before we can begin treating your neck pain, we must first identify the root cause of the neck pain which is why every new patient encounter at our Spokane Valley WA chiropractic office involves a comprehensive history to find out what has happened in the past and present along with lifestyle choices that may be causing the neck pain.
The next step would be a thorough exam consisting of postural and range of motion analysis, orthopedic and neurological testing, bilateral weight testing, spinal motion palpation, and if necessary spinal x-rays to determine the exact location, the extent of the damage, and formulate a custom care plan to help correct the neck pain.
Corrective Chiropractic Care In Spokane Valley WA For Neck Pain Relief
Here at River City Chiropractic in Spokane Valley WA we specialize in spinal corrective care. Just a small percentage of chiropractors have this approach and training. Most commonly neck pain is due to spinal misalignments, also known as subluxations, or loss of the normal spinal curvature in the neck. When people lose the natural curvature or have subluxations that can cause irritation or compression of the spinal nerves, tension of the spinal cord, or lead to spinal degeneration resulting in the neck pain.
Our goal at River City Chiropractic is to not only help people get relief from their neck pain, but also to correct their spine and posture so the issues don’t continue to come back through spinal adjustments and a comprehensive spinal exercise program performed in office as well as at home.
Custom Therapeutic Exercise Program For Neck Pain
At River City Chiropractic we custom make a home exercise program and provide spinal homecare equipment that helps our patients get better and long lasting results. Following a thorough exam/xray and report of findings our doctor at River City Chiropractic in Spokane Valley WA will create a home exercise plan that is specific to your posture and x-ray findings. With this program comes some special spinal rehab equipment to help our patients in Spokane Valley WA get better results, faster. We also have access to a database of 1000’s of stretches/exercises with videos that can be prescribed to our patients to help them with core stability or address any other muscle weakness or tightness concerns. These exercises are designed to help people get relief faster, hold adjustments longer, preventing further degeneration, and restoring the natural curvature in the neck.
Spinal Decompression Spokane Valley WA
Often the reason people experience neck pain is because they have degenerating or bulged spinal discs. The spinal discs are the gel-like cushion between the vertebrae that enable the spine to bend and twist. However, due to loss of normal spinal curvature or improper movement of the spine the spinal discs can protrude or begin to breakdown which causes compression on the spinal cord and or nerves in the neck often resulting in neck or shoulder pain, numbness/tingling, or muscle weakness in the arm or hands.
Spinal surgery to treat disc problems can be very expensive and risky in the sense of potential complications as well as outcomes. A much safer and effective alternative is spinal decompression therapy, which works by gently stretching the spine relieving the pressure off the spinal discs and nerves. At River City Chiropractic in Spokane Valley WA we use the Back On Trac spinal decompression chair which assists in hydrating the discs, restoring normal spinal motion and curvature as well as adding in heat and vibration to relax any tight muscles for optimal results. The Back On Trac decompression chair has been a great addition to our Spokane Valley WA clinic helping our patients relieve neck pain quickly in conjunction with regular spinal adjustments.
Common Causes of Neck Pain in Spokane Valley WA
Cervical Disc Problems
The spinal discs are the gel-like cushion between the vertebrae that act like a cushion for the spine and also allow it to bend and twist. In the event of an injury or trauma such as a fall or lifting a heavy object the disc can bulge or rupture resulting in compression on the spinal nerves or spinal cord causing pain, loss of sensation or strength in the arms or hands. Sometimes damage to the spinal discs can happen over time such as with degenerative disc disease. This problem is not always related to age, but more so the individual’s posture and spinal motion or alignment. The discs of the spine, in a sense, are similar to the tires on your car. If your car is out of proper alignment and you keep driving it around the tires wear out faster. If your spine is out of alignment and not moving properly the spinal discs break down faster often resulting in pain, loss of range of motion, numbness/tingling into arms or hands, or muscle tightness.
Tech Neck
Today the average American spends between 2-4 hours per day looking down at their phone or some other handheld electronic device. The further you look down and your head goes forward with physics it increases the weight and load placed on the spine by up to 60lbs. This increased stress and load to the spine over time results in chronic poor posture and tension in the neck or shoulders, loss proper neck curvature, neck pain, headaches, or spinal disc problems. Here at River City Chiropractic in Spokane Valley WA we specialize in spinal corrective care and help are patients reverse the detrimental effects of tech neck by correcting postural issues and restoring the proper curvature back to the neck.
A subluxation is a misalignment of the vertebrae of the spine that prevents normal spinal motion and can irritate or damage the spinal nerves often causing symptoms such as neck pain. At River City Chiropractic, we locate subluxations of the spine that are causing the neck pain and through chiropractic adjustments and spinal exercises help people correct their subluxations over time which can be on pre and post x-rays.
Osteoarthritis is a condition in which the joint space begins to narrow or break down. This is commonly seen in the neck as well as other areas of the spine or joints. This condition usually happens over time from lack of motion and or poor posture. Our joints need to move to stay healthy, if they are not moved regularly due to sedentary lifestyle or subluxations then they break down. After a long enough period of time bone spurs can begin to form and the nerves or spinal cord can be affected. At our chiropractic office in Spokane Valley WA we have a proven approach to stop the progression of osteoarthritis in the neck.
Whiplash is a common injury people in Spokane Valley WA can have following an auto accident, fall snow or water skiing, or other sporting activities. With whiplash, the head moves forward and backward quickly causing damage to the muscles and ligaments in the neck. It is very important to address whiplash quickly because even if the initial pain subsides the spine will continue to degenerate over time. Here at River City Chiropractic we treat many people with whiplash injuries both acute or chronic and see great success helping them to resolve this problem.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is a chiropractor in Spokane Valley WA good for neck pain?
Absolutely!! Seeing a chiropractor for anyone experiencing neck pain should be their first stop. At River City Chiropractic we have excellent results helping people reduce or eliminate their neck pain along with pain medications to treat it!
When should I see a chiropractor in Spokane Valley WA for neck pain?
Well by the time pain shows up typically the cause of the problem has been there for a while, so the sooner the better you see a chiropractor to find out what is going on and how chiropractic can help you.
Is it okay to pop my own neck?
It is not recommended to pop your own neck or spine. Doing so can damage the muscles and ligaments in the spine leading to hypermobility or instability of the spine. Even though popping your own neck may provide some temporary relief, the segments of the spine that are moving creating the “popping” noise are the ones that are already moving compared to when you see a chiropractor they are adjusting the correct segments that are stuck or out of alignment.
How should I sleep with neck pain?
When it comes to sleeping it is best to lay on your back and use a small towel or one of our special sleep rolls under the neck to maintain the proper spinal curvature. If sleeping on the side be sure to have a pillow that maintains the head in a neutral alignment. Sleeping on the stomach is not recommended and often causes neck pain or headaches.
8:00am - 6:00pm
3:30pm - 5:30pm
8:00am - 6:00pm
11:00am - 5:30pm
Saturday & Sunday
River City Chiropractic
15413 E Valleyway Ave Building B Suite 100
Spokane Valley, WA 99037