Digestion Problems and Solutions: A Spokane Valley WA Chiropractor’s Perspective

As a chiropractor serving Spokane Valley WA for over a decade now I have been able to help people suffering from many different health problems. People generally know chiropractic is excellent for headaches, neck, and back pain, but most people don’t know how chiropractic can also potentially help resolve problems with digestion especially if done in combination with some lifestyle changes. In America, 80 million people suffer from some sort of digestive related problem daily, there are 4.6 million hospitalizations, and 236,000 deaths annually attributed to digestion problems. Over $100 billion is spent every year on medical treatments for these disorders and another $10 billion on over-the-counter medications such as antacids, which have become the top selling over-the-counter drug in America. The problem is medications are a quick fix and do not address the real root of the problem which is why it simply keeps coming back and long-term use of some medications can make the problem worse or even lead to other health issues down the road.
Your gut and digestive system are one of the foundational systems of the body and it is comprised of the stomach, liver, gallbladder and intestines. The gut is referred to as the “2nd brain” because it contains 100 million brain cells and is directly connected via the nervous system, there are trillions of microbes, it contains 80% of the immune system, and is responsible for many bodily functions such as digestion, immunity, hormone balance, and mood.
At River City Chiropractic in Spokane Valley WA, we take a whole-person approach to healing starting with the spine and nervous system as the main foundation because the nervous system is the control center of the body. By performing a very thorough history, exam, and specific spinal xrays we can get insight as to if digestion problems can be connected to damage in the spine. Since both spine and digestive-related problems tend to progress over time it is best to have it looked at and address any issues as early as possible by a knowledgeable health professional.
How We Help Solve Digestion Problems In Spokane Valley WA
Comprehensive Consultation, Exam, and X-Rays
Before we can begin to help someone with digestive problems, we must first identify the root cause. Since the gut is controlled by the nervous system it is essential that we look there first and why every new patient encounter at our Spokane Valley WA chiropractic office involves a comprehensive history to find out what has happened in the past and present along with lifestyle choices that may be causing GI issues.
The next step would be a thorough exam consisting of postural and range of motion analysis, orthopedic and neurological testing, bilateral weight testing, spinal motion palpation, and if necessary, spinal x-rays to determine the exact location, extent of the damage, and formulate a custom care plan to help correct the spine for optimal nervous system functioning.
Corrective Chiropractic Care In Spokane Valley WA For Improved Digestion
Here at River City Chiropractic in Spokane Valley WA we specialize in spinal corrective care. Just a small percentage of chiropractors have this approach and training. Since structure influences function, when someone has digestion issues it can be caused by spinal misalignments, also known as subluxations, loss of the normal spinal curvature in the neck or low back, or poor posture. Spinal subluxations can irritate the nerves resulting in pain, muscle tension, restricted motion, along with reduced communication from the brain to various organs of the body.
Our goal at River City Chiropractic is to not only help people get relief from their symptoms but also to correct their spine and posture so their body can function at a higher level through spinal adjustments and a comprehensive spinal exercise program performed in the office as well as at home.
Custom Therapeutic Exercise Program
At River City Chiropractic we know structure influences function and we want our patients to get well fast so we custom-make a home exercise program and provide spinal homecare equipment that helps our patients get better and long-lasting results. Following a thorough exam/xray and report of findings our doctor at River City Chiropractic in Spokane Valley WA will create a home exercise plan that is specific to your posture and x-ray findings. With this program comes some special spinal rehab equipment to help our patients in Spokane Valley WA get better results, faster. We also have access to a database of 1000’s of stretches/exercises with videos that can be prescribed to our patients to help them with core stability or address any other muscle weakness or tightness concerns. These exercises are designed to help people get relief faster, hold adjustments longer, preventing further degeneration, balance the hips, restoring the natural curvature in the neck, and correct or reduce scoliosis.
Wellness Education and Lab Testing in Spokane Valley WA
In order for someone to get and stay well it is very important to look at other lifestyle factors such as diet, exercise, toxicity, and stress to find other contributing factors resulting in digestive issues beyond problems with the spine. At River City Chiropractic in Spokane Valley WA we regularly host educational classes on nutrition, stress, toxicity, weight loss, sleep, and many other topics to help our practice members make needed changes in those other areas. In certain cases, lab testing can be performed to investigate on a deeper level any other imbalances that may be also causing problems with digestion and formulate a lifestyle treatment plan to help the body heal from the inside out.
Common Causes of Poor Digestion in Spokane Valley WA
Over 80% of all doctor visits are for stress-related illnesses. Stress is at an all-time high and that is not good for digestion because when the body is stressed or in fight or flight mode it shuts down digestion, decreasing nutrient absorption, and disrupts the bacteria balance of the gut weakening the immune system.
If people aren’t careful, it is easy to be swimming in a sea of toxins every single day. There are 1000’s used commercially in the furniture we sit on, clothes we wear, personal care products, household cleaners, foods we eat, and the water we drink. Toxins damage and cause inflammation in the digestive tract and over time with enough damage can lead to a leaky gut resulting in food allergies or full-blown autoimmune disorders.
Standard American Diet
The standard American diet typically consists of processed or fast foods loaded with sugar, bad fats, wheat gluten, artificial preservatives or dyes, conventional meat or dairy products full of hormones, antibiotics, pesticides, and more sugar. All of these foods destroy and inflame the digestive tract possibly leading to leaky gut and other health problems down the road.
Bacterial Imbalances
There are more microbes in our gut than cells in our entire body. These bacteria and viruses make up what is called our “microbiome” and they play a vital role in the immune system, digestion, mood or emotions, and even the expression of certain genes. Overuse of antibiotics, toxic cleaners or sanitizers, C-Sections, along with poor nutrition can lead to an over population of bad bacteria in the gut which hinders its ability to carry out these functions properly.
A subluxation is a misalignment of the vertebrae of the spine that prevents normal spinal motion and can irritate or damage the spinal nerves often causing symptoms such back pain or headaches. Subluxations tend to worsen and become more challenging to correct the longer they are there. At River City Chiropractic, we locate subluxations of the spine that can not only be causing back pain, but those nerves also travel to other organs of the body such as the ones involved in digestion, which is why it is it is important to have your spine checked if suffering from digestion problems.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can chiropractic help provide relief from digestion problems?
While chiropractic is not a treatment for any symptom or condition if the digestion issues are stemming from subluxations in the spine disrupting communication between the brain and digestive organs then yes chiropractic care can benefit digestive problems.
Should I see a chiropractor or a medical doctor for digestion problems?
Seeing a health professional is a good start if you are suffering with digestive problems especially if you have been experiencing them for a while. Depending on the issue and symptoms you are experiencing if severe it may be best to start by seeing a medical provider first to get the proper testing done to rule out the worst. Then once the worst is ruled out seeing a knowledgeable chiropractor to help you determine the cause and come up with a plan to help your body heal itself without drugs or surgery would be an awesome step in the right direction.
8:00am - 6:00pm
3:30pm - 5:30pm
8:00am - 6:00pm
11:00am - 5:30pm
Saturday & Sunday
River City Chiropractic
15413 E Valleyway Ave Building B Suite 100
Spokane Valley, WA 99037