Peripheral Neuropathy in Spokane Valley WA

Non-Medication Treatment for Neuropathy and Chronic Nerve Discomfort is Available
Peripheral neuropathy in Spokane Valley WA is a condition where nerves are damaged causing weakness, burning pain, numbness, tingling, and debilitating balance problems. The damage to the nerves can be caused by many different problems in the body. Poor blood flow to the nerves, toxic levels of sugar in the blood (diabetes), chronic infections, pesticide exposure, and genetic variants are a few of the causes of this debilitating condition. The cause is different for every patient and it must be discovered to help the nerves heal!
What is Peripheral Neuropathy in Spokane Valley WA?
Generally, symptoms of peripheral neuropathy in an affected area include:
- Numbness/Tingling
- Burning Pain
- Unusual and/or loss of sensations
- Muscle weakness
- Deep Stabbing Pain
- Balance Problems
- Another common cause of nerve damage is auto-immunity.
Auto-immune diseases are diseases where the immune system mistakenly starts to attack the body.
That’s right! Many times the immune system is actually killing the nerves of peripheral neuropathy sufferers. This is why thorough testing is vitally important to helping peripheral neuropathy.
Can peripheral nerves heal?
Yes! It is well-established in the scientific literature that peripheral nerves can and do heal. The key issue is that not only do we need to get the nerves healing but we have to stop whatever is causing the nerve damage in the first place. When the underlying cause of the neuropathy is discovered and proper support for the nerves are provided it optimizes the ability for the nerves to heal!
In order to effectively heal nerve damage, four factors must be determined:
- What is the underlying cause of the nerve damage?
- How severe is the nerve damage?
- What types of nerve fibers are damaged?
You have sensory nerves (both small fiber nerves and large diameter nerves) and motor nerves (that control movement of your muscles) NOTE: If there is muscle weakness from neuropathy for greater than two years the damage to the muscles will probably be permanent!
How much treatment will the nerves require to heal?
This will be dependent on the degree of nerve damage and what types of fibers are damaged.
The treatment we provide has four main goals…
- Optimize the environment within the body for nerve healing.
- Increase blood flow to the nerves.
- Stimulate the nerves that are damaged (small fiber, large diameter, or motor nerves) to reduce pain and improve balance.
- Decrease brain-based pain.
Our exclusive treatment system increases blood flow to the nerves in the feet and/or hands, which helps to rejuvenate nerves naturally and has returned many of our patient’s feet and/or hands to normal (see our testimonials). No surgery. No addictive medications.
Our proprietary and comprehensive treatment program utilizes up to 8 different state-of-the-art technologies and is unlike any treatment program you may have already experienced.
We provide a Safe and Effective, New Choice for Neuropathy Sufferers.
Our clinic offers a NEW, Non-Invasive and Non-Surgical therapy protocol that combines the best of cutting-edge medical treatments to help resolve your neuropathy suffering. We want to make sure that you have the confidence that you need, so we’ve designed an extensive diagnostic evaluation process to help us find out if you’re a candidate for our program.
This extensive evaluation will give you ALL the information that you need to know before starting treatment so you can be assured that you will have success with your neuropathy pain program.
1. Electromagnetic Infrared Therapy
One of the treatment technologies we use to increase blood flow and repair the nerve is our new Low-Level Light Therapy (LLLT). The light therapy signals Vasoendothelial Growth (VEGF), which signals the production of angiogenesis. Angiogenesis is the creation of new blood vessels, which are needed to repair nerve damage. These blood vessels grow back around the peripheral nerves and provide them with the proper nutrients to heal and repair. This technology has 21 peer-reviewed studies with a 97% success rate with peripheral neuropathy.
2. Advanced Nutrition Therapy
Proper nutrition in support of our other VITAL COMPONENTS is vital for optimal tissue and nerve repair. Our Advanced Nutritional Therapies have been to designed to accelerate the healing process by affecting the complex processes of inflammation, blood flow, and bioavailable nitric oxide.
3. In-Clinic Visits & Online Education
In synergy with your home infrared electromagnetic therapy you may have in-office visits that could include spinal decompression, chiropractic adjustments, physical therapy exercises, and whole body vibration Each vital component is equally important for optimal patient results and to help address the root cause.
8:00am - 6:00pm
3:30pm - 5:30pm
8:00am - 6:00pm
11:00am - 5:30pm
Saturday & Sunday
River City Chiropractic
15413 E Valleyway Ave Building B Suite 100
Spokane Valley, WA 99037